Would you be interested in taking a sex scene writing course from me?

I’ve been slowly putting together a workshop titled:

How to write sex scenes readers (and your book) can’t live without

Readers have always seemed to find my love scenes effective (heh), and in this era of censorship and purity culture, it feels like an act of resistance to teach people how to write pulse-pounding sex scenes that are as important to the plot as the climax (heh!).

I’m sorry. I’m 12.

If you’d be interested in taking such a course from me, please fill out the short survey in the link below…

What's coming in 2025

My new logo

Welp. It’s 2025.

I’ve been absent on social media since the election. I’m finding it impossible to write stories about strong women and worthy men when the majority of white men voted to oppress and white women and Latino men voted for their oppressors. 

It’s hard to believe in HEA’s right now. 

So what’s next? I’m still writing. I’m working on book about a Chicana teen in the late 90s seeking vengeance. Working on this book has been intensely fulfilling during these dark days. Obviously, this is a new direction for me, but one that I hope will provide the notice and income that romance publishing didn’t provide. 

In 2023, I fired my agent and walked away from a really lousy contract. I hope the third book in the Milagro Street series sees the light of day one day. But I couldn’t keep working as hard as I was with so little support, recognition, or effort to sell my work from my publisher and agent. I was also demoralized by romance readers’ continued resistance to reading stories by authors of color. 

I hold deep gratitude to everyone who loved my books, shared them, and reviewed them. Without you, the last five years would’ve felt like a failure.

I don’t know when romance and I will see eye to eye again. Anything can happen and I’m holding space for anything to happen while updating those of you loyal enough to subscribe to my blog or check out my website. I hope some of you will come with me as my writing career expands to encompass other genres. 

In the meantime, I still have books you can buy. I still have events happening. As you can see below, I still have many ideas percolating. For the romance writers out there, aspiring or otherwise, I’d love to get your thoughts, if you’d participate in a short survey. I’m doing what I can to fill the uncertain future with new opportunities. 

 As always, thank you for your support,

Would you be interested in taking a sex scene writing course from me?

I’ve been slowly putting together a workshop titled:

How to write sex scenes readers (and your book) can’t live without

Readers have always seemed to find my love scenes effective (heh), and in this era of censorship and purity culture, it feels like an act of resistance to teach people how to write pulse-pounding sex scenes that are as important to the plot as the climax (heh!). 

I’m sorry. I’m 12. 

If you’d be interested in taking such a course from me, please fill out the short survey in the link below…

What a trad-published author learned publishing first indie book

After traditionally publishing five books since 2019, I was looking down the barrel of 2024 with no book coming out. I’d made a name for myself traditionally publishing in romance but—due to very crappy contracts and promotion—very little money.

I was, and am, at a crossroads.

The one thing I did have was a collection of short stories that I’d written for anthologies and my Patreon moldering on my laptop. I was very proud of these stories. They deserved better than to grow mold.

On September 10, I published my first indie book, Give It to Me: Sexy Tales About Women Getting the Good Loving They Deserve. Ten days later, I broke even on all my costs and now everything I earn is profit. This is what I learned during my first venture into the world of indie publishing:

Lesson #1 - Decide early what I wanted out of indie publishing.

There is a siren song of big money when you enter the world of indie. But it is no longer 2012, 7500 new books are published to Kindle Ebooks EVERY DAY, and if you want to even hope for big money, you have to dedicate yourself to a big ad spend. I decided that I wanted to make a little money with this short story collection rather than the no money I was making while the stories sat on my computer. Additionally, I wanted something out in the world with my name on it in 2024. Knowing these two goals helped direct the rest of my decisions as I readied for publishing.

Lesson #2 - It is possible but difficult to limit costs.

With my goal to make “a little” money, I knew I needed to keep costs low. I decided to spend money on copyediting, cover, formatting, and delivery.

Editing: Since most of the stories had already been edited by me or by editors of anthologies, I decided to skip that round of edits and focus on copyediting. I’d worked with Jess Snyder of HEA Author Services in the past and trusted her, but I also got quotes from two additional copyeditors. Jess’s was by far the best quote. For copyediting, I paid her $629.

Cover: I saved a ton by working with dear friend and renown graphic designer John Sprengelmeyer. John charged me pennies for his labor because we’ve always wanted to work together. John will also receive a portion of all merchandise sales and additional income for every $5,000 the book earns. The total I paid for the cover was $250. (I want to underline that this is known-someone-for-30-years pricing. Please do not contact John for design work expecting the same price.)

Formatting: Formatting the book had me in a dither. It was easiest to pony up the one-time fee for Atticus, a formatting app. It was relatively easy to work in. The one-time fee was $179.

Delivery: I decided to enroll in an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) delivery system to minimize pirating. BookFunnel was very easy to work with. For $10 a month, I was able to send out streamlined emails with download links I maintained control of and watermarked PDF ARCs. For three months, I paid $30.

My total costs for the book were $1,088. Left out of this is substantive editing, which I would have paid for in a from-scratch book, and market-priced cover design. I was able to keep costs down for this book, but it still cost me a grand, something to keep in mind for those thinking about indie publishing. I'm going to say it even though I shouldn't have to: Don't steal or use AI-generated covers to cut costs.

Lesson #3 - Have a plan for promotion.

Because my goals were to make a little money over no money and to publish a book in 2024, I decided to avoid spending money on advertising or marketing beyond ARC delivery. As a trad-published author with a crappy contract, I was accustomed to a promotional plan that involved zero to little advertising spend. Instead, I relied on the system I’ve used to promote all my books: early notices and teasers in social media, early giveaways in newsletters, splashy social media efforts for cover reveal and preorders, highlighting good reviews and notable reviewers, and lots of posting and newsletters to build anticipation leading up to the release day. I plan everything out in a calendar at least three months ahead of time and use my afternoons to do all my promotional work. Remember: No one will love and promote your book better than you, so shout about your beautiful baby up to the rooftops!

Lesson #4 – Having an established brand from trad-publishing made meeting my goals easier.

My five trad-published books have appeared in Entertainment Weekly, The Washington Post, The New York Times, on the Fated Mates podcast and in other publications and podcasts. I don’t have a large following on social media, but I do have dedicated readers and supportive author friends. So from the first mention online of Give It to Me, I had support and shares without spending ad dollars. In this case, hybrid publishing did allow me to meet my small revenue goals.

Lesson #5 – Indie publishing is a lot of work.

The most important lesson I learned from this journey is that I won’t be pursuing indie publishing. I am a full-time writer and indie publishing felt like a second full-time job when there is only one of me. I have tremendous respect for those who have taken this route and found success and enjoyment doing it.

The one thing I knew the whole time – Amazon sucks.

Because of the chokehold it has on publishing, its changing terms without comment from or recourse for authors, its unwillingness to check abuses, its hands-over-eyes approach to AI and copy cat books flooding the market, the extreme suckiness of its owner, and my own goals, I chose not to include the book in Kindle Unlimited.   

Buy give it to me now!

Get GIVE IT TO ME now!

Today is the day! Give It to Me: Sexy Tales About Women Getting the Good Loving They Deserve is now available in print and ebook! Thank you, readers, for supporting my first indie effort. To show my appreciation, I’m giving away a postcard and a sticker of the book. To enter, sign up for my newsletter or let me know that you’re already a subscriber.


Enter to win a postcard or sticker of Give It to Me by subscribing to my newsletter or letting me know that you’re already a subscriber.


Early readers have already said wonderful things about Give It to Me:

Super sexy, gorgeously emotional, and centering Latinx love, Give It To Me has fourteen high-heat short stories and something for everyone— slice-of-life moments between long-term partners, first (and last) encounters, and a few cameos from your favorite Filthy Rich and Milagro Street characters…. Overall, for the people saying romances aren't political, they haven't read Angelina M. Lopez. The fourteen short stories felt as empowering and timely as they were sexy, which is no mean feat. I'd absolutely recommend this to any contemporary romance reader.—Triviareads, Goodreads reviewer

 In Give it to Me: Sexy Tales About Women Getting the Good Loving, Lopez gives us a collection that shows her range as a story teller. From the jet-setting billionaire and her wine making prince to a woman who has gone back to school looking for some precious alone time in the library stacks, Lopez is writing about women getting what they want….—Rochelle, Cannonball Reads

…These aren’t throwaway sexy stories but lush, rounded, well-characterized tales that are also sexy.—Guiltless Pleasures, Goodreads reviewer

If you’re still on the fence about purchasing, you can read snippets from the book on my Instagram account. Here are some fun ones:

Give It to Me is available in print and ebook on Amazon, B&N, and Bookshop. You can request it from your local bookstore or at your local library. You can also get signed, personalized copies here. And, because the cover by the amazing John Sprengelmeyer has been so popular, you can buy posters, stickers, and postcards here as well!

Get to the "good parts" quicker with my steamy short story collection, GIVE IT TO ME

I never used to write short stories. My favorite romance novels of my youth were brick-thick doorstoppers. Why write short?

But when agents rejected my first manuscript with helpful critiques of the dialogue, I decided to write a short story using only dialogue. To my surprise, the challenge worked. My dialogue did improve because of the focus on it. But I also realized that the confines of a a short story forced me to make my characters crisp, the world interesting, the conflict tight, and the love scenes HOT! In the boundaries of a short story, I could explore worlds, concepts, and couplings I wouldn't have the time or energy for in a 100k-word book.

Give it to Me: Sexy Tales About Women Getting the Good Loving They Deserve is the result of my love affair with the romance short story. Behind the fabulous cover by designer and illustrator John Sprengelmeyer are fourteen sexy short stories, the result of letting my storyteller imagination fly.

In it, you'll find hot stories of marriage and a sweet telling of an anonymous threesome. You'll find front-seat love with a supernatural hunter and paddle board kisses with a Hollywood movie star. You'll find an age-gap whodunnit and a magical gang bang of how-many-are-doing-it. I hope you gasp. I hope you laugh. I definitely think there will be a few tears.


The cover is the brainchild of a dear friend of hours, renown illustrator, designer, and syndicated comic strip artist John Sprengelmeyer. John now regularly works with director and comedian Kevin Smith. But my husband and I traveled with John before we had kids. He was one of four people who knew we were eloping. We almost killed John when he tried to sleep in our cat-hair-infested guest bedroom without his allergy medication. Kevin, he was our friend first. 

I'd wanted to work with John forever and was thrilled that this self-published collection finally gave me the chance to do so. When I'd suggested the Rosie the Riveter theme, John said he'd thought of that, too. Instant kismet. But John came up with the unique, killer concept of one woman representing all the fierce women of the stories and as many men as space would allow worshipping her. When I posted it to my newsletter, the response was so strong that I’ve already added prints of the cover to my store!

You can preorder now! I will be adding more retailers as we get closer to release date. I hope you're as excited to read this book as I am excited for you to read it!

Steamy short story collection coming in September

I’m thrilled to announce that I will be releasing my first steamy short collection this September. Give It to Me: Sexy Tales About Women Getting the Good Loving They Deserve brings together 13 already-published stories in one hot book and will also include two brand-new stories. Think about it this way: With this short story collection, you'll get to my "good parts" that much quicker!

Here's the description:

Critically acclaimed romance novelist Angelina M. Lopez brings you fifteen steamily explicit and highly romantic stories of hardworking women getting it good from men who worship them. Author of After Hours on Milagro Street (Possibly my favorite book of the year, NYT-bestselling author Sarah MacLean) and Full Moon Over Freedom (A scorchingly sensual love story, Booklist), Angelina is known for writing “unlikeable” heroines who have great sex. 

 Discover what happens:

  • When a widow askes her deceased husband’s best friend for the one thing their new friendship isn’t providing

  • When a jewel thief is drawn to an ancient drum and becomes part of an orgy of sex and magic with ghostly entities and the museum security guard she’s admired from afar

  • When an exhausted academic tries to get a little private time in the library stacks and is offered a hand by the hot guy in a hard hat who discovers her

  • When a divorced soccer mom pounds on the door of two men having waaaay too much fun in the motel room next door—and then is invited to join them

  • When a sexy Hollywood action hero shows up in a stressed-out CEO’s office offering to help her relax

  • When a burly bodyguard with a heart as big as Texas wants to turn a once-in-a-lifetime one-night stand into forever

Give It to Me gathers Angelina’s steamy short stories from anthologies, audio podcasts, and her popular Patreon into one collection, as well as offers two brand-new stories that include a vineyard visit with the lady billionaire and her prince husband from Angelina’s much-loved debut, Lush Money. Celebrate getting it good from an author whose books are “flaming hot.” (NYT-bestselling author Sarah MacLean)

I can’t wait to share the cover from dear friend and wildly talented illustrator/designer John Sprengelmeyer. John and I have known each other for over two decades, and I have always wanted a chance to work with him.

Newsletter subscribers will get first notification of the preorder, ARC signups, and giveaways.


Click to sign up for my newsletter and be first to be notified for preorder, ARC signups, and giveaways!


13 romance authors making space in the genre from Kirkus Reviews

I was deeply honored to be included in this Kirkus Reviews article "13 Romance Authors Making Space in the Genre” from Jennifer Prokop with powerhouse authors I respect deeply. Romance can reach wide and far to tell so many varieties of stories and provide so many examples of love under the ultimately comforting umbrella of a happily-ever-after.

Angelina M. Lopez has written an entire pantheon of women who refuse to be pigeonholed by society’s expectations—the type of character who challenges romance readers’ patriarchal notions of worth and likability. Like society itself, romance readers can be remarkably forgiving of the flaws in male characters while criticizing the smallest imperfections in female characters: On the “there be” scale, it’s unlikable heroines right after dragons. Lopez’s debut, Lush Money, presents a thorny, difficult heroine who is firmly in the power position of the relationship, a billionaire who hires a prince to father her child.  In her latest series, Lopez levels up once again. She writes deep, complex women who have been pulled back home, but with interesting dilemmas and nuanced conflicts rather than the commonplace and cliched Hallmark movie–style homecoming. In Full Moon Over Freedom, Gillian Armstead-Bancroft chooses assimilation and social mobility over Freedom, Kansas. Everything seems perfect, she’s the “pride of the East side,” but it’s all a lie. Gillian is a bruja, desperately trying to fix the curse that’s ruined her life. Lopez effortlessly tackles the realities of life in a small town while unpacking Latine stereotypes and exploring the failures and triumphs of the misunderstood heroine.

Enjoy spooky season with Milagro Street series

With its talk of witches, a wailing ghost by the river, and a snarling phantom dog in the shadows, my latest book, Full Moon Over Freedom, is a perfect read for spooky season. The first book in the Milagro Street series, After Hours on Milagro Street, also had things that went bump in the night.

When I proposed the Milagro Street series in 2020, I didn’t know how popular spooky contemporary books were going to be. I didn’t make these books witchy for witchy’s sake. The supernatural element in the Milagro Street series is there for an important reason.

A reflection of my culture and family

I developed the Milagro Street series in the shadows of the 2020 election, when we’d elected a man who made brown people feel unwelcome and unsafe in this country and who had enough voter support that they might elect him again. I felt my family’s story, about Mexican-Americans who’ve lived and contributed to a small town in the Midwest for several generations, was an important story to make known. We’ve been here in the heart of the country, I wanted people to know. We’ll continue to be here and this country is better for it.

If I was going to tell this story about Mexican-Americans in the heartland, then I had to figure out what defined us. What defined my family, my culture, and my hometown, and what aspects of that would be interesting to share in a fiction novel?

My list of important and interesting details included the fact that so many of my family have committed to the same area for so long, the big family gatherings on Sunday after mass, THE FOOD (my grandmother was the best cook and I still dream of her tortillas, sopa, and frijoles), the dynamics of a large family firmly planted in the U.S. but with a reverence for their Latinidad, the interesting small-town folks with long memories, and the fascinating history of my hometown (contributed the first monkey sent into space from its zoo, retained many crumbling mansions from its oil-wealth days).

I also highlighted my family’s beliefs in the supernatural.

I wrote:

  • We all know the cement plant is haunted.

  • Multiple people in my family have heard and seen La Llorona along the banks of the Verdigris River. It’s not even questioned.

  • The upper floor of my aunt and uncle’s house is haunted and the whole family has seen the ghost.

  • My grandmother would cross herself as we passed certain places in town but then wouldn’t tell me why.

  • The ghost cars out on the highway. Those ghost cars were why we never, ever, ever even thought about hitchhiking.

  • Lover’s Leap out by the dam.

  • Both my dad and great-aunt and uncle contributed stories to a ghost book about Kansas

  • The “ordinariness” of all the superstition and supernatural. It just is. It’s barely even interesting, except if you want to tell stories to terrify the little cousins or your white friends.

It just is

When I sent the proposal for the series to my editor, her first, gentle red flag was, “Is this going to be a paranormal book? Are they going to be talking to ghosts?”

I realized then there was a cultural divide between how my people perceived entities on the other side of the veil and how my editor perceived them. To my family, that veil is very thin. We believe we’re eating the body of Christ at Mass. We believe those we lost walk with us. I grew up believing that God was a force for good who could be called upon when in need. He was a daily presence, thought about as a friend and mentioned often and readily. My feelings about God and the Catholic Church have changed as I’ve gotten older, angrier, and more frustrated, but it doesn’t erase the understanding of how many in my family think of him and the world of saints, good and ill-intentioned entities, and lost loved ones.

That they surround us and affect us is just understood.

When I talk about brujas and ghosts and cadejos in the Milagro Street series, I’m not just talking about witches and spooks. I’m underlining an important part of my family’s culture, a culture that is recognized in many communities of color. It’s a perspective that only someone who’s part of that community, who’s had the lived experience, can give.

“Just trust me,” I wrote back to my editor. Thankfully, she did.

Readers who get it

What’s been truly rewarding in writing about the supernatural in this specific, personal way is the readers who’ve seen themselves, their families, their culture, and their beliefs reflected in it. Booktoker Mayte Lisbeth, with 133k followers on her @mayte.lisbeth Tik Tik account, said in her video review about Full Moon Over Freedom:

“My main favorite thing about this book…is the way Angelina uses magic. It’s not the sci-fi fantasy magic that we think of. It feels like a magic that I recognize. Like the healing hands of an elder, the candle that people light on an altar. It is the magic of childhood monsters in stories and, like, the belief of that being real. For me, it felt so familiar and I love that the magic is how we explore this woman getting back to her sense of self.”

You can watch the entire review here.

I write pretend people and make-believe scenarios, but in the Milagro Street street series, I molded these people and scenarios out of a Mexican-American reality that we haven’t gotten to see reflected often in books or film. That readers can say “it feels like a magic I recognize” is one of my proudest writing accomplishments.

Read a new short story from me and support those in Maui!

For my story in Aloha: An Anthology for Maui, I Googled "Can you do it on a paddle board?"

Yes. You can.

If the opportunity to read a rare paddle board sex scene in my story, A Mermaid and A Star (see excerpt below), isn't enough reason to order this beautiful anthology, then hopefully the fact that it includes works from more than fifty of your favorite authors all coming together to raise money for Maui will be!

All royalties from the collection will be donated to Maui Food Banks and the Maui Fire Relief Fund to help support the victims of the devastating fires. ALOHA will only be available for a limited time, so one-click your copy before it's gone.

AUTHORS INCLUDE: K.A. Linde, Adriana Locke, Alessandra Torre, Penny Reid, Rachel Van Dyken, Willow Winters, Brittainy Cherry, Aleatha Romig, Heidi McLaughlin, Crystal Perkins, Helena Hunting, Jessica Ashley, LB Dunbar, Ren Alexander, Skye Warren, Tara Brown, Tia Louise, Diana Peterfreund, Jamie K. Schmidt, Alexandria Bishop, Maria Luis, Kasey Metzger, Julia Kent, Karina Halle, Trilina Pucci, Carly Phillips, Aarti V. Raman, Jill Ramsower, Amber Kelly, Eric Asher, Julie Leto, Kimberly Reese, Kayti McGee, Lauren Rowe, Pepper Winters, M. Robinson, J.L. Baldwin, Brittany Holland, Angelina M. Lopez, Jiffy Kate, Lex Martin, MJ Fields, Emma Louise, Catalina Snow, Dee Lagasse, Cary Hart, Aly Martinez, Fiona Cole, Jay McLean, Jana Aston

Order Links:

✦ Amazon → https://geni.us/AmazonAloha
✦ Paperback →
✦ B&N →
✦ Apple →
✦ Kobo →
✦ Google Play →

Exclusive Excerpt of A Mermaid and Her Star
By Angelina M. Lopez

…Today was her first day off after three days chronicling Aish in the studio and while she wanted to explore Oahu, she figured she would spend the day drowsing on the paddle board that she’d gotten pretty good at as a first-timer and adjusting to the fact that she was hanging out with a rock star and a princess. When was someone going to pinch her and wake her up?

Her board bumped into the black, jagged lava rocks that made up the jetty between the beach houses that were in sight of each other but far enough away to provide space and privacy. A shadow fell over her.

“You’re trespassing on my beach,” a gruff voice said.

She yelped with surprise, dropped the paddle she’d been hanging on to, and scrambled up on her hands. Above her, a man stood on the levee outlined by the sun like Poseidon risen up from the water. He was a solid shadow, but the perimeter of him showed turquoise board shorts, well-defined biceps, broad brown shoulders, a trim black scruff over a square jaw, and a thick swoop of black hair as he looked down at her.

She should be inoculated to shocks by now, but she still felt little spots around the edge of her vision. There was no way it was him. But it was him. She knew that outline like the back of her hand.

To read all of Mermaid and Her Star, order Aloha: An Anthology for Maui now!


Today, readers can return to walk the three blocks of Milagro Street and explore the small town of Freedom, Kansas.

In Full Moon Over Freedom, my second book in the Milagro Street series, readers will be able to explore Kansas country roads, farm ponds, grand abandoned hotels, and old train depots getting a facelift. You'll get to discover what our bad-ass bartender Alex did with that secret back room in After Hours on Milagro Street that used to hold a bootlegger's still. You'll get to hope and dream and plan the evolution of Milagro Street along with the rest of the huge, passionate Torres family. You'll get to learn more of the history, lore, and magic of the Mexican-Americans of Freedom, Kansas.

Most importantly, you'll get to meet Gillian and Nicky.

Gillian and Nicky were the heroine and hero of the first book I ever finished. That book wasn't published, but I'm so glad to introduce the (much improved!!) characters to the world now.

Gillian is my answer to the question: What does an alpha heroine do when she believes she's lost everything that made her an alpha? How does she pick herself back up again? Can she pick herself up again?

Nicky, I believe (and I hope you'll believe it, too) is exactly what Gillian needs. 

Full Moon Over Freedom is now available in paperback, ebook and audiobook (narrated by the awesome narrator of After Hours on Milagro Street, Stacy Gonzalez).

Celebrate the release of Full Moon Over Freedom with me online, on TV and in person