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Welp. It’s 2025.
I’ve been absent on social media since the election. I’m finding it impossible to write stories about strong women and worthy men when the majority of white men voted to oppress and white women and Latino men voted for their oppressors.
It’s hard to believe in HEA’s right now.
So what’s next? I’m still writing. I’m working on book about a Chicana teen in the late 90s seeking vengeance. Working on this book has been intensely fulfilling during these dark days. Obviously, this is a new direction for me, but one that I hope will provide the notice and income that romance publishing didn’t provide.
In 2023, I fired my agent and walked away from a really lousy contract. I hope the third book in the Milagro Street series sees the light of day one day. But I couldn’t keep working as hard as I was with so little support, recognition, or effort to sell my work from my publisher and agent. I was also demoralized by romance readers’ continued resistance to reading stories by authors of color.
I hold deep gratitude to everyone who loved my books, shared them, and reviewed them. Without you, the last five years would’ve felt like a failure.
I don’t know when romance and I will see eye to eye again. Anything can happen and I’m holding space for anything to happen while updating those of you loyal enough to subscribe to my blog or check out my website. I hope some of you will come with me as my writing career expands to encompass other genres.
In the meantime, I still have books you can buy. I still have events happening. As you can see below, I still have many ideas percolating. For the romance writers out there, aspiring or otherwise, I’d love to get your thoughts, if you’d participate in a short survey. I’m doing what I can to fill the uncertain future with new opportunities.
As always, thank you for your support,
Would you be interested in taking a sex scene writing course from me?
I’ve been slowly putting together a workshop titled:
How to write sex scenes readers (and your book) can’t live without
Readers have always seemed to find my love scenes effective (heh), and in this era of censorship and purity culture, it feels like an act of resistance to teach people how to write pulse-pounding sex scenes that are as important to the plot as the climax (heh!).
I’m sorry. I’m 12.
If you’d be interested in taking such a course from me, please fill out the short survey in the link below…