One Month Until Release of Hate Crush

With only one month until Hate Crush is released, I am thrilled to share with you the following review from the American Library Association's Booklist, which I received like a Christmas Eve present last week:

“Lopez once again delivers an addictively readable mix of red-hot romance, captivating characters, and a fascinatingly exotic European setting.”

Hate Crush was the first book I wrote under contract, the first book I wrote on deadline, the first book I wrote with the official title of "published author" after waiting my whole life to have that title!

Hate Crush is the second child that you never imagined could be as gorgeous as the first. And then she/he is!!!!!

Hate Crush was born from the idea that our beautiful young princess in Lush Money, Princesa Sofia, was bitter about love. Why, I asked myself? Because she's already had her heart stomped on. Hate Crush is about the hard work of falling back in love when you've sworn you'll never fall in love again.

It's also about the hard work the heart-stomper must do to make amends. Down-on-his-luck rock star Aish Salinger (it's pronounced Āsh) regrets breaking her heart when they were 19 and 21, and always hoped to get her back. But when he comes to the Monte del Vino Real ten years later to help Sofia launch her new winery and secure the future of the kingdom, he realizes making amends is going to be much harder than he imagined.

I'm providing an exclusive excerpt of Hate Crush for newsletter subscribers only. Sign up for my newsletter and you can read about the fateful day Sofia and Aish met and fell into insta-lust. In a wine tank.

My Aunt Mary Ann


My aunt Mary Ann passed away yesterday, surrounded by her family in hospice care after a long battle with cancer.

My aunt Mary Ann was my dad’s oldest sister, the oldest of six kids, a family of six Mexican-Americans growing up in fifties and sixties in southeastern Kansas. She was steadfast in her beliefs and opinions that, when she was younger, sometimes drove other people crazy. I was the oldest daughter and the only grandchild for five wonderful years in a large Mexican family, and to me, my aunt was mesmerizing.

She was a nurse who’d served in Vietnam – it was in the Army that she met her lifelong partner and incredible husband, Mike – and so she sat me down when I was three or four and read to me from the classic book, “Where Did I Come From?” I still remember the drawings of the squiggly sperm. When I said the word “vagina” at the dinner table that evening, my mom hit the roof! Believing that children should understand their bodies and people should not be ashamed of sex, I think my aunt pulled that fast one on a lot of parents in our family.

Mary Ann lived next door to my grandmother, so whenever I visited my grandmother, I visited Mike and Mary Ann. They’d lived for a time in Atlanta -- a fantastical big city compared to our little town of Independence, Kansas – so they had this air of adventure. Of seeking. Of questioning. They were part of the family and town, but at that time, also kind of bigger than it. To my little eyes. They didn’t go to mass and that, to me, was excitingly scandalous.

Mary Ann and Mike wanted children of their own. But were struggling to have them. I remember her sitting in a bathrobe at my grandmother’s house, very sad, smiling at me with tears in her eyes. I greedily soaked up their attention. They never talked at me – they talked to me. They asked questions. They were relaxed, open, interested in my company in a way that I think little kids notice is rare. I wasn’t merely cute to them. I felt interesting.

You see how easily talking about “her” becomes talking about “them.” My aunt and uncle cultivated a loving, respectful partnership that today, after watching relationships for 46 years, I’m still in awe of. It’s the ideal we all aspire to but so seldom see achieved. I can’t think about my uncle Mike too much or I won’t be able to finish this. There’s one thing I know about my aunt Mary Ann; she’d want him to continue on in a happy, fulfilled life.

Mary Ann and Mike did have children. Ryan and Ross. And then, so much changed. They embraced the town, embraced the church, became the kind of family that hundreds of people could and did rely on. And they did it with a selflessness that was entirely giving; you’d never call them pillars of society because they wouldn’t want their dedication to God and their neighbors to stand out that way. Mary Ann approached service with the same straightforward clarity that she approached the “birds and the bees” talks: Of course, this is something that should be provided. Of course she will provide it.

Mary Ann loved those boys. She loved the fabulous wives those boys brought to their family. She loved all of the grandchildren. They bought a house with a pool and were summer camp for their large, loving family. My strong, opinionated aunt became softer and gentler and more focused on what I believed she thought of as her greatest achievement: this loving, dedicated, funny, hard-working, joyous family she’d built.

But one thing, didn’t change. My aunt Mary Ann – and my uncle Mike – always made me feel special. They invited me and my brother on trips in their camper. As a teen, they brought me along on their CYO trips. They came to my high school graduation. They came to visit me and my young family, bringing my grandmother along, too, in DC. When my oldest graduated from high school, they came. My cousin Ryan told me, “She has always been so proud of you and how hard you’ve worked. She has always had that work ethic and loved seeing it in our family members.”

That she would see something of herself in me is an honor I can’t express.

I hope she knew how much I admired her. In her steadfast and straightforward way, I have to think she did. I’ve never really thought about angels, but I have a weird certainty that our large family now has a ferocious angel looking after us.

I love you, Mary Ann.

HATE CRUSH Cover Reveal and Exclusive Excerpt on Frolic

FINALLY!! After waiting FOREVER, I can finally share with you the cover of Hate Crush, which is getting a big reveal along with an exclusive excerpt over on Frolic.

Hate Crush, is the second book in the “Filthy Rich” series and follow-up to Lush Money. But you might notice some intense design changes between the two covers in the same series. Why? Well, I have to be coy for now. But there will be some exciting new things happening with Lush Money, so the awesome powers-at-be at Carina Press decided that a new cover theme would be appropriate. I can’t wait to tell you more!

But why are you still here?

Also, if you’re a book reviewer or blogger, Hate Crush is available now over on NetGalley. Early reviews are super helpful for just-starting-out authors like myself!

The digital edition of Hate Crush will be available on June 29 and the mass market paperback copy will be available on June 30. You can preorder now. And thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for your excitement about this second book in the series!

HATE CRUSH cover reveal coming WEDNESDAY!

Join me on Frolic Wednesday, April 8 for the cover reveal and exclusive excerpt of Hate Crush, my second book in the “Filthy Rich” series and follow-up to Lush Money.

You know what’s better than an enemies-to-lovers story? When the enemies were lovers FIRST (I guess that makes it a lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers story).

As a reference point for those of you who read Lush Money, Hate Crush is Mateo's sister's story. You might remember the hot-headed, long-haired Princesa Sofia? Ten years ago, when she was a 19-year-old wild child, she fell in love crazy fast with bad boy Aish Salinger during one California harvest season. Three months later, he broke her heart and she's sworn to never fall in love again.

Now she's a millionaire, and the future of her kingdom, the Monte del Vino Real, rests on the success of her about-to-launch winery. Faking a relationship with her heartbreaking ex, now a world-famous rock star, would ensure her winery's success and a future for her people. Only problem: She hates him more than any other person in the world.

Trying to recover from scandal, fallen superstar Aish Salinger jumps at the chance to be near Sofia again. Leaving her was the biggest mistake he's ever made, and he's waited ten years to win her back. He never counted on finding a woman who despised him so much she didn't want to be anywhere near him.

Folks, there is so much groveling in this story. So. Much. Groveling. And sex. And wine. And deep, intense feels. And groveling.

Sound good?

You can preorder Hate Crush now!

And don’t forget to check in Wednesday, April 8 on Frolic to check out the cover and an exclusive excerpt!

If you’re a book blogger, reviewer, or fan, Hate Crush will be available on on Wednesday after the cover launch. Don’t forget to request it!

Quick Tips From An Experienced Social Isolationist


First things first: I hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. It's a crazy and unprecedented time and we're all in this together!

As a writer for the last 20 years, social isolation is something I've practiced willingly and often. Most days, it's a real mark of achievement if I change out of yoga pants and put on makeup. But most healthy people do not and should not practice this brand of introvertism, so know that it's going to take practice. Here are some quick tips from an experienced social isolationist:

1. Create a daily schedule
You might have seen the schedule floating around for school children. But adults need schedules, too. A daily schedule allowed me to launch an author career when no one was standing over me telling me I "had" to write. Create a quick rough schedule for yourself -- include meals, exercise, work, breaks, fun time -- and you'll feel less discombobulated when you're wondering "What should I do with myself now?"

2. Make lists
Along the same vein, write down meals you want to eat, things you want to bake, ways to pass the time as a family, games you want to play. Sit down and brainstorm this stuff for an hour. Having these lists at the ready will provide calm and ease frustration when you're just not sure how to fill the time.

3. Exercise
I know. This is obnoxious. When do people NOT include exercise as something you should do. But don't worry about your weight or waistline -- I certainly don't! 😅 🍟 Instead, think about easing that anxiety we're all feeling right now. A few jumping jacks, a walk around the block or the yard, or a quick online exercise video are a great way to work out some of that stress juice we're all producing in excess amounts.

4. Be patient with yourself
Give yourself a HUGE break. This stuff is so hard. And you can only Netflix and chill for so long. Forgive yourself for feeling bored, stressed, terrified, frustrated, impatient, or whatever negative emotion you're having. Everyone is feeling something they'd rather not. Pet your cat, hug your housemate, or hug yourself. Be as kind to yourself as you'd be to the person you love the most.

5. Healthy distractions
So many institutions, businesses, and creatives are offering free distraction online right now. Take advantage of them! I realized that as a person who promises escapism for stressed-out and hard-working adults, I needed to put my money where my mouth is. So, this week, I'll be live and online three times offering what I hope is some entertaining distraction.

TUESDAYS, 6 p.m. ET - Live readings on Twitter
Join me on Twitter at 6 p.m. ET every Tuesday, when I'll be doing #LivingRoomReadings. A writer friend suggested the hashtag and I think it's a wonderful way for authors to offer a little diversion and entertainment. I'm hoping to do them every week at the same time, reading from my own stuff as well as from some favorite authors. 

WEDNESDAY, March 18, 9 pm ET - Interviewed by Kenya Goree-Bell on The KGB on Instagram
I'll be with author friend Kenya Goree-Bell on Wednesday on Instagram. Kenya has hosted a popular author interview show on Facebook and Instagram for awhile now. We'll talk about the book, craft and all kinds of mischief authors get up to.

FRIDAY, March 20, 6 pm ET - Happy hour with the hubby on Facebook Live
We're all going to need a drink by Friday. #Amiright??? Hubby and I will be hosting a Facebook Live at 6 p.m., where we'll be talking about how we did during our first full week of social isolation, what was good, what was challenging, and the counting how many wine bottles we still have to survive this thing.

If you miss one of these live events, don't worry. Most of these services allow me to save the recording, so I'll be posting them to here.

Together, we'll get through this. Remembers, hyperromantics unite!

Letting the Writing Journey Takes Its Time


(Authors note: I wrote this article for the BookRiot website, where it was published in November 2019. I can’t find it now, however, so I’m republishing it here.)

In my mid-20s, I decided I was going to take my secret love for romance novels out of the closet and begin writing them. I joined my local chapter of Romance Writers of America and went to my first RWA conference in 2000.

My debut book, Lush Money, came out fall of 2019.

I understand that sounds like a horror show for most, a tale of dejection and woe. And yes, while there were moments of that in this 20-year journey, the one piece of advice I’ve been sharing most often with aspiring writers is: Let the writing journey take its time. That’s probably easier for me to say and swallow because I began writing when traditional publishing was the only option; my mindset was that it was a slow process. In the era of self-publishing and Twitter pitches, we expect quick results.

But as arduous as waiting is – and I know many of you feel like you’ve been waiting forever -- I believe there are tremendous advantages when the journey from aspiring writer to published writer takes some time.

1. You can build up a network of writer and industry friends who will support and promote you.

During those 20 years, I was an active member of my national and local writing chapters. I met aspiring writers, published writers, and industry folks, and learned so much from every single one of them. I wouldn’t be a debut author with a book reviewed in some really amazing places without those contacts. Really. Use this time to meet, support, and engage with the hard-working writers in the trenches beside you. I can’t stress how important this has been to my career.

2. You can write enough to feel confident in your writing abilities and routine when facing the daunting pressure of a publisher’s deadline and expectations.

Those 20 years gave me lots of time to practice the craft and discipline of writing without anyone breathing down my neck. When I suddenly had a three-book contract, I felt like I could rise to the challenge without freaking out. Freaking out is bad when you’ve got deadlines. Practice the craft, understand your voice, and learn the art of ass-in-chair now before an agent and publisher – people whose paychecks depends on your words – are looking over your shoulder.

3. You can learn the online marketing skills all authors need before the chaos of a publishing schedule.

The cold-hard truth: All authors need to know how to update their website. All authors need to understand how to post to social media and engage an audience. And life is a ton easier if you also know how to create graphics and use a scheduler and put out a newsletter. You will not be the two percent of authors with a huge promotional budget from your publisher. You just won’t. So learn those skills now, when you have the time and patience for the learning curve.

4. You can practice taking care of your physical and mental health so you can sustain a long writing career.

Publishing is overwhelming physically. You’re sitting for hours on end, forgoing exercise and sleep to write and market, and eating what’s easy instead of what’s healthy. And it’s daunting mentally: When your life’s dream comes true, it also creates something you can screw up. So implement those self-care habits now – exercise, meditation, work-life balance, a good sleep schedule – that will help you withstand the physical and mental pressures of publishing and enjoy a long career.

5. You can enjoy the journey.

I know how obnoxious this is. It’s like when parents of older children tell parents of young children, “Enjoy it. It goes by so fast.” Yeah, not fast enough. But right now, you have the opportunity to explore what’s important to you, to write your bliss, to find your voice and words. You have the space and the freedom to create your own special brand of magic on the page. Embracing that space, that freedom, is what will get you a publishing contract or a breakthrough indie book.

Embracing this waiting time is what will bring the wait to an end.

From the Writer's Mouth: Angelina on Podcasts, Radio, and YouTube


I can talk. A lot. I was fortunate to be invited to talk — a lot — on two podcasts, a radio show, and YouTube publishing show in the last year. If you’re interested in learning more about my 20-year journey to becoming a published author, the inspiration behind my gender-bending, trope-spinning debut novel, Lush Money, how I got connected to a California vineyard or who’s the biggest supporter in my personal life, check out the interviews below. Click any of the images to listen or view.


Angelina on the Wicked Wallflowers podcast

“We could not be more excited to be joined by Angelina M. Lopez to talk about her outstanding debut, Lush Money! Angelina was one of our earliest listeners when she was still prepublished and now her first book is out in the world! We also chat about Fated Mates, her twenty year path to publication, the upcoming books in her series, and the state of publishing. This is one of Jenny’s favorite books of the year–go read it immediately!”


Angelina on WERA’s Story Hour Radio with Wendy Mann

“A lush conversation with debut author Angelina M. Lopez. Her new novel, Lush Money, features a woman billionaire who wants the perfect baby and a prince who needs money to save his small Spanish country. This romance novel has a unique story and a powerful female protagonist. The story arc conveys both big feelings and big ideas. Our lively conversation veers from wine to characters to upbringing to love. A layered story that resonates.”


Angelina on the KT Literary Podcast

"Today we welcome Angelina M. Lopez the author of LUSH MONEY. I could have talked publishing with her all day! We discuss the importance of writer's groups like RWA, the delicate balance of leaning into vs. subverting tropes, and what it takes to write a Latinx billionare woman.

We also talk about her long, but incredibly fascinating journey to being a published arthur (such a cute origin for that word!) and we fangirl over her agent, Sara Megibow, a little bit."


Lush Money discussed on Not Your Mom’s Romance Book Club

“Ellen and Mom discuss the babies, billionaires, and bonkers-ness of Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez. Plus, the rules of Love Club and taking back the b-word. Come hang out with us!”

Angelina on PubTalk Live with host Sarah Nicolas, agent Sara Megibow, and fantasy writer L. Penelope.

PubTalk Live is a publishing talk show, broadcasting live to YouTube every 2nd and 4th Saturday at 9pm Eastern. Host Sarah Nicolas is joined in each episode by a Guest Co-Host and at least one Special Guest. They talk about all aspects of the book publishing industry, including its intersections with other media and libraries. This episode of PubTalk Live features Guest Co-Host L. Penelope and Special Guests Sara Megibow and Angelina M. Lopez

LUSH MONEY Nominated for Best Debut of 2019

Lush Money has been nominated as a Best Debut book of 2019 for the popular Romance Readers Chat (or #readRchat) Awards.

It’s such an honor to be nominated. If anyone reading this contributed to that, thank you, thank you, thank you. Good reviews from the industry are amazing, but I write these books for the people sitting at the end of a long day wanting a good love story. This nomination, representing people telling me I gave them that, is a wonderful gift. The list of nominated books is truly incredible representing a range of voices, viewpoints, and themes that I hope showcase where romance is headed.

Facing such stiff competition as Casey McQuiston’s Red, White and Royal Blue, Evie Dunmore’s Bringing Down the Duke, and Adriana Herrera’s American Dreamer, I don’t expect to win. It truly is an honor just to be in their company. But, giving it the old college try, I’d love it if you could give me a vote!

Go here to cast your ballot! And, again, thank you.

Everything You Didn't Know You Needed to Know About Romance

Credit: Hannah Neville

Credit: Hannah Neville

In mid-November, I gave a talk at a local library titled, “Romance 101: Everything You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know About Romance.”

Why would I say you NEED to know about the romance genre? Because romance offers the escapist fairy tales that we hard-working adults need. In today’s intense and and many times antagonistic world, there’s a lot we can’t control. Sometimes, the best self-care we can give ourselves is to give our brains a break. And I think a well-written romance novel offers that better than any other media.

What’s better than immersing yourself for 350 pages in the sensation of falling in love?

I was thrilled and honored that Erin of the romance blog, The Smut Report, came out to the event and wrote this amazing round-up. The romance fans who showed up at the Aurora Hills Branch of the Arlington Public Library were passionate and engaged and we had such a good time!

I am now hooked on library events and jonesing to do more!

I’ve included an excerpt of Erin’s post below. You can click at the bottom to keep reading.

Romance 101 with Angelina M. Lopez

by Erin, The Smut Report

If there’s a romance-related event close to us and we can go, we also definitely want to go. For this reason, when I saw a tweet from Angelina M. Lopez about an author talk at a library in Arlington, I had to go.

Unfortunately, there were a number of different romance-related events this month, from the Baltimore Book Festival to events at three local independent bookstores (One More Page in Arlington, and Loyalty Bookstore and East City Bookshop in Washington, DC, if you’re curious about tracking where these things happen), and I didn’t manage to get to any of them!

Fortunately, Romance 101 with Angelina M. Lopez was really fun, so if that was my big outing this month, we’re all good. (Click to keep reading…)

I love talking Romance!

If you’re looking for a romance author to come speak to your community, organization, or book club, contact me!

Angelina M. Lopez and Andie J. Christopher at Loyalty Bookstores in Washington, D.C.

Angelina M. Lopez and Andie J. Christopher at Loyalty Bookstores in Washington, D.C.

A Lifelong Dream Came True at LUSH MONEY Book Launch Party


We all have dreams. When we see someone living our dream, we put ourselves in their shoes. We reflect on the things we would say, improvise the speeches we would give, practice the signature we would sign with a flourish.

Or was that just me?

On Friday, Nov. 8, I was blessed to realize this dream when I celebrated the launch of Lush Money with family, friends, author pals, fellow Hillwood docents, neighbors, and readers at my local independent book store, One More Page Books. It was the fruition of a lifelong dream coming true, and I was so glad to share it with so many people who helped to make the dream possible!

The celebration began with a bang Thursday morning when I looked through my peephole after a knock at the front door and saw my brother on the other side! While my parents were expected, my brother was not!! He was an amazing surprise guest!


For the event, my mom provided $100-dollar-bill napkins, chocolate coins, greenback mints to honor the “money” and together we made Spanish tapas — gazpacho, albondigas (meatballs), and tortilla — to honor the “lush.” One More Page Books provides wine tastings and poured delicious Spanish wines for the event.


What made this incredible event spectacular was the presence of my dear friend, Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Colleen McCain Nelson. Colleen and her husband moved away a couple of years ago, and I thought asking her to come interview me for the “author chat” portion of the event would be a good lure to get them to come back for a visit. Colleen covered the Obama White House for the Wall Street Journal; I knew interviewing me would be a cake walk. Colleen asked the most AMAZING questions, made me feel much smarter than I actually am, and did such a wonderful job of keeping the event interesting for everyone.


The event eventually had to end because WE SOLD OUT OF BOOKS!!! My little author soul had never been prouder. I am blessed to have so many cheerleaders on the journey to this dream.

See more pics…

Didn’t make it to the book launch event?

No worries! See Angelina:

  • 11/14 at Loyalty Books Petworth with Andie J. Christopher

  • 11/20 at Aurora Hills Branch Library in Arlington